SeungHyun, JaeJin, MinHwan, HongKi, JongHyun
Satisfaction from F.T Island.
Theme song of the Japanese anime One Piece x Toriko Crossover
OMG. Look how cute were they ! *fainted

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kanji, romaji & english translation
shiawase no imi wo sagashite ita
I was looking for the meaning of the happiness
dokoka ni aruto omotta
I thought it was somewhere else
soba ni atta noni
Though it was right here
mayonaka sugi potsuri potsuri
After midnight, little by little
machi no akari mata kiete ikuyo
The lights in town are turned off again
yume ga samete
Waking up from a dream
nemurenai kono heya mo mabushii yakei no kakera
This sleepless room is also a dazzling piece of night
chijou no seiza ni kasanete
Overlaying with the constellations up on the ground
kimi no egao egakuyo
I draw your smile
ashita ga kyou eto kawaru maeni
Before tomorrow turns to today
namida ga ai ni kawatteku
Tears change into love
shiawase no imi wo sagashite ita
I was looking for the meaning of the happiness
I gotta get the satisfaction
I, I, Gotta the, the satisfaction
(full credits to MelodyCoraline's Blog)
Satisfaction from F.T Island.
Theme song of the Japanese anime One Piece x Toriko Crossover
OMG. Look how cute were they ! *fainted

kanji, romaji & english translation
シアワセの意味を探していたshiawase no imi wo sagashite ita
I was looking for the meaning of the happiness
dokoka ni aruto omotta
I thought it was somewhere else
soba ni atta noni
Though it was right here
真夜中過ぎ ぽつりぽつりmayonaka sugi potsuri potsuri
After midnight, little by little
machi no akari mata kiete ikuyo
The lights in town are turned off again
yume ga samete
Waking up from a dream
nemurenai kono heya mo mabushii yakei no kakera
This sleepless room is also a dazzling piece of night
地上 の星座に重ねてchijou no seiza ni kasanete
Overlaying with the constellations up on the ground
kimi no egao egakuyo
I draw your smile
ashita ga kyou eto kawaru maeni
Before tomorrow turns to today
namida ga ai ni kawatteku
Tears change into love
[HongKi & JaeJin]
シアワセの意味を探していたshiawase no imi wo sagashite ita
I was looking for the meaning of the happiness
mienai hoshi miteita
I was looking at a star that I cannot see君の手を離しては
kimi no te wo hanashite wa
Letting go of your hand,愛の意味を知らずに探していたんだ
ai no imi wo shirazu ni sagashite itanda
I was looking for love without knowing its meaningそばにあったのに
soba ni atta noni
Though it was right here[JaeJin]
頬をなでる 夜の風は
hoho wo naderu yoru no kaze wa
The evening wind strokes my cheek地球がまわってる証なんだろう
chikyu ga mawatteru akashi nandarou
It might be a proof of the earth rotating[HongKi]
ugokidaseba kazamuki ga kawaru koto
If you move the wind will change direction教えてくれてるのかな
oshiete kureteru no kana
I think I already knew this[SeungHyun]
Not mine, I get, I get satisfactionI gotta get the satisfaction
I, I, Gotta the, the satisfaction
[HongKi & JaeJin]
shiawase no imi wo sagashiteita
I was looking for the meaning of the happiness夢の島を目指して
yume no shima wo mezashite
Heading for a dream islandあてのない旅しては
ate no nai tabi shite wa
It is an unexpected journey明日の風に吹かれ
ashita no kaze ni hukare
Race against tomorrow’s wind流されていたんだ 時の波間で
nagasarete itanda toki no namima de
And be swept away by the wave of time[SeungHyun]
nani wo tenishite
By getting what thing何をなくした
nani wo nakushita
What did I lose?何を背負って
nani wo seotte
By carrying what thing何を落とした
nani wo otoshita
What did I drop?大事なものほどありふれていて
daiji na mono hodo arihurete ite
Because important things are everywhere,気づけないまま
kizukenai mama
I cannot realize it[HongKi & JaeJin]
shiawase no imi wo sagashite ita
I was looking for the meaning of the happinessどこかにあると思った
dokoka ni aru to omotta
I thought it was somewhere else自分だけを信じては
jibun dake wo shinjite wa
Believing only myself,愛の意味を知らずに探していたんだ
ai no imi wo shirazu ni sagashite itanda
I was looking for love without knowing its meaningそばにあったのに
soba ni atta noni
Though it was right here夜を超えて (夜を超えて)
yoru wo koete (yoru wo koete)
Passing over the night (Passing over the night)会いに行きたい
aini ikitai
I want to go see you(full credits to MelodyCoraline's Blog)
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