Salma Mentor 5, protege to her mentor, Erra Fazira
Well, she've become a winner for this reality program :)
Lyric and music by : Taja (Meet Uncle Hussain)
And this is hers new single
lyric & english translation
lyric & english translation
Terdampar jauh dihempas badai ku hanyut
Stranded far, storm slammed and I swept away
Hati merintih terkunci mulut membisu
My heart crying, my mouth locked silently
My heart crying, my mouth locked silently
Perjalanan yang jauh bagai tiada sudahnya
This long journey like have no end
This long journey like have no end
Liku ranjau ku tempuh dalam mencari jawapan
Di sudut kecil hatiku sering berkata
Deep inside my heart always said
Deep inside my heart always said
Apa yg terjadi ada hikmah sebaliknya
What happened there is good comes from it
Ku beranikan diri menongkah arus yang deras
I'm courage myself against those strong odds
I'm courage myself against those strong odds
Demi hari esok ku relakan
For tomorrow I willing to
Walau tiada tangan menghulur
Although, no hands helped
Kan ku tetap berdiri teguh ku bangkit semula
I will stand still and I'll rise again
I will stand still and I'll rise again
Tuhan, hanya engkau mengerti
Dear God, only you understand
Dear God, only you understand
Perjalanan hidup seorang insan
Those life journey of a person
Kini ku jauh memetik bintang di langit
Now, I'm far quoted the stars on sky
Now, I'm far quoted the stars on sky
Berakhir musim dingin kini mekar bunga indah
Winter end, now flowers blooming beautifuly
Winter end, now flowers blooming beautifuly
Tinggallah memori terpahat di dalam dada
Left memory stay in the heart
Left memory stay in the heart
Terjawab sudah segalanya
Everything have answered
Everything have answered
Walau tiada tangan menghulur
Although, no hands helped
Kan ku tetap berdiri teguh ku bangkit semula
I will stand still and I'll rise again
I will stand still and I'll rise again
Tuhan, hanya engkau mengerti
Dear God, only you understand
Dear God, only you understand
Perjalanan hidup seorang insan
Those life journey of a person
Aku hanya ingin merasa
I just want to feel
I just want to feel
Kemanisan hidup di dunia yang ku dambakan
This sweetness of life that I yearn for
Tuhan, hanya engkau mengerti
Dear God, only you understand
Dear God, only you understand
Perjalanan hidup seorang insan
Those life journey of a person
Walau tiada tangan menghulur
Although, no hands helped
Kan ku tetap berdiri teguh ku bangkit semula
I will stand still and I'll rise again
Hanya titipkanlah doa
Just send me pray
Agar permataku terus bersinar
Let my precious keep glowing
Agar permataku terus bersinar
Let my precious keep glowing
credits : MelodyCoraline
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